Ministry in Action:

St. Peter's Lutheran - Prairietown

Sixty years ago, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Prairietown, Illinois, was the site of Edmond and Anamelia Eden’s wedding. Today, the Edens make their home at LSS at Meridian Village, but St. Peter’s is still taking an active role in the lives of two of its older parishioners.

“Our son Keith works with the Evangelism Committee,” said Anamelia. “The committee records the 10 a.m. Sunday service. Then, Keith takes the video and edits it down to a 45-minute program.” At 4 p.m. each Sunday afternoon, Evangelism Committee members present a DVD of the day’s worship in the Glen Carbon community’s Media Room, a theater equipped with a projection screen and digital surround sound.

The Sunday service has drawn large crowds.


“It’s a wonderful opportunity for the residents in the care center and in assisted living,” said Anamelia. “We have two or three ladies from St. Peter’s who come to help transport people in so we can watch the service together on the big screen.”

Like Meridian Village’s Wednesday chapel services, the Sunday screening welcomes all denominations. The Edens assist by printing out large format bulletins and song lyrics to help every worshipper to enjoy the program.

“As long as we have the health we need to do this, this is a way we can help Meridian Village,” said Anamelia. “At the same time, it’s a way for us to serve our Lord, and return some of the blessings He’s given to us.”

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