Wii Are the Champions:

LSS at Lenoir Woods Welcomes

Its First Virtual Bowling League

Virginia Blackley has never been bowling in her life, but with the help of the new Nintendo Wii gaming system and some LSS at Lenoir Woods staff, she was able to pick up her first spare virtually.  

Knocking over some pins wasn’t the only new experience for Virginia; until Lenoir Woods purchased the console, she had never played a video game before either, claiming that the experience sounded more appealing to someone’s grandchildren. 

The Wii utilizes a wireless controller shaped like a TV remote control, and translates the user’s movements onto a television screen.  So when Virginia pulled her arm back, the ball on the screen followed.  Every movement of Virginia’s wrist played out on screen, including a couple of early gutter balls. 


Other more experienced bowlers picked up the Wii remote and were able to start bowling immediately. Most users admitted that their Wii bowling score wasn’t that much different from their real life averages, and that the game was very realistic. One resident quipped that Wii bowling was realistic, but that "Lenoir Woods doesn’t smell anything like a bowling alley."

The Lenoir Woods recreation department recently purchased the Nintendo Wii to promote physical activity among the residents. “Moving your arm back and forth can be good physical activity, but can get very boring. When it actually seems like you are bowling, it adds a new level of excitement. We are able to take someone with limited mobility, and get them to bowl. All of the residents who have tried the Wii have had a great time, said Mark Bowers, who runs activities for the independent living residents at Lenoir Woods.

The Wii debuted at the June 7th resident happy hour with the help of Elliott Bentley from marketing, who taught the residents how to bowl virtually. The Nintendo Wii was a huge success at happy hour, and league bowling could begin as early as July. “I know that Heisinger Bluffs in Jefferson City has a Wii. I think it would be fun to get together a team from Lenoir Woods to challenge them to a friendly game,” said Bowers.

By Elliot Bentley, Marketing Assistant

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