Through LSS, service-minded individuals find many opportunities to give of their time and talents. Whether you volunteer for office work or decide to work directly with seniors, you have the chance to touch lives.
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Volunteering at an LSS Community

Lutheran Senior Services offers many opportunities for individuals or groups to assist residents and staff in providing services to older adults. Volunteer positions include:

  • Activity Aide - Assist staff with recreational programs and episode events
  • Greeter - Welcome campus visitors at the lobby reception desk.
  • Friendly Visitors - Start friendships and provide additional support to nursing home residents.
  • Clerical Helpers – Provide extra assistance with filing, mailings and newsletter distribution.
  • Transporters - Assist wheelchair-bound residents to and from the beauty shop, activities and chapel.
  • Dining Room Assistants - Encourage and feed residents who are not able to feed themselves.
  • Chapel Assistants – Help residents one-on-one as an usher, communion helper or companion.

For more information on volunteering at an LSS Community, call (314) 446-2457 or click here to inquire by email.



Volunteering with LSS In-Home Services

Volunteering through LSS In-Home Services offers an opportunity to make a direct impact on the lives of St. Louis-area seniors. The United Way-sponsored Volunteer Money Management Program is dependent on individuals who give of their time to help older adults manage their finances. Other LSS programs offer unique opportunities to assist the elderly to live independently in their own homes longer.

For more information on volunteering with LSS In-Home Services, call (314) 446-2472 or click here to inquire by email.

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